December 11, 2014 Sony exec apologizes for 'insensitive' emails about Obama's race Source Article: My thoughts: 1) I think Sony Pictures Entertainment Co-Chairman Amy Pascal must resign for her racist views as expressed in her Sony Corporate e-mail. 2) I think Sony must now work with Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson to implement and roll out an effective Diversity Education program to be administered, updated, and monitored on an annual basis. 3) I will NOT be buying any more Sony Products or Products from their subsidiaries. 4) Has America forgotten the lessons Justine Sacco's racist tweet on December 22, 2013 and the special #HasJustineLandedYet hashtag that ensued? Ms. Sacco lost her high-paying job at IAC for this offensive tweet. Sony Pictures Entertainment Co-Chairman Amy Pascal's e-mail was even more offensive than Ms. Sacco's tweet, in my opinion. 5) Neither Sony Pictures Entertainment Co-Chairman Amy Pascal nor any other Sony Employee will be welcome to take a ride in the World Famous OBAMA-Mobile if and when they visit Chicago. ====================================== William Favre Slater, III Chicago