In Celebration of
400,000 Hits at
http://billslater.comMay 23, 1998
To celebrate the 400,000 hit count mark, I started looking for opportunities to give a FREE Internet Seminar. After teaching over 500 people in Internet classes since March 1996, I started looking for opportunities in the community to give a FREE Internet Seminar here in Chicago where I live and work. It is a fear of mine that our society is rapidly dividing into a group of Information-haves and Information-have-nots. I want to help do my part by assisting as many people as possible with learning what the Net is and how to use it effectively. If you know of a group of people I can reach in the Chicago area by giving a free Internet seminar, please e-mail me and tell me about it.
Also, as of May 6, 1996, technically speaking, I have had a presence on the World Wide Web for over two years now. But I never had my own URL and counted hits until I created and started tracking the hits on September 26, 1997.
Bill Slater
E-Mail Me Last Updated: June 23, 1998By Bill Slater, Webmaster