Vows for Our Wedding:
A Miracle and a Technological Wonder

Joanna, in my heart of hearts, I believe that God brought us together via the Internet and our common interest in Civil War History.  Since we have been together, when you came to the U.S.  in June 2000, I have pleasantly discovered that we relate in many wonderful ways, including being:

Best friends




Tour Guide / Curious Traveler

Brother and sister with common spiritual values

Intellectual and emotional equals


Mentor / protégé

Teacher / student

Teacher / Assistant

Fellow programmers and web developers

Fellow computer nerds and Internet Addicts

Every day with you is a precious and wonderful gift from God. I never thought I would find a woman who completed me in so many ways. It is an amazing mystery and a testimony to God’s everlasting Love that we are together. Recognizing that we were brought together and meant to be together, these are my vows to you:

I promise to always

Love you

Cherish you

Be faithful and loyal to you

Listen to you

Communicate with you in a tender and loving way

Encourage you

Build you up

Protect you

Look out for your best interests

Teach you and learn from you too

Serve you

Remain with you and make a wonderful home together with you

Share all that I have with you

Resolve any conflicts and/or misunderstandings in a loving and expedient way to get us back on the track of Marital Bliss

Make you feel like you are part of this great country

Continue being your guide in America

Help you with your new computer career or any other career path you choose

Treat you like the sacred gift from God that you are

Put you first above every other human being on this planet 


And furthermore, I promise to do all these things in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer.  And as God and these fine friends here are my witness, I will be accountable to God, to you, and to your parents for keeping these vows. And when my time on Earth is complete, I’ll be there on the other side, waiting for you and loving you.


William F. Slater, III
December 3, 2000
Chicago, IL
United States of America


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Copyright 2000 by William F. Slater, III, Chicago, IL, USA, All Rights Reserved.

Last Updated: December 3, 2000