William Favre Slater, III

Sextortion: What You
Need to Know
Industry and the 2022 Job Market - October 2022
Introduction to
Cybersecurity, CyberLaw, and CyberForensics Information - September 2022
Real Cybersecurity and
Managing and Reporting Metrics - March 2022
Presentation: Digital
Transformation Topic; - Pushing the Raspberry Pi: Ethereum on Pi and
Fluree on Pi. Low-cost and Open Source Enterprise Computing for Fun, Learning,
and Training - Prepared for
The CAPDA ICT Conference in Yaounde, Cameroon (Central Africa), August 24 - 26,
Presentation: The Current
State of the Global COVID-19 Crisis, Impacts on Business and Society, the New
Normal, and a Unique, Secure, Web-based Contact Tracing App - Prepared for
The TIC Afrique Symposium CAPDA Conference in Yaounde, Cameroon (Central Africa),
December 18,
Presentation: Digital
Transformation Topics, Perspectives and Opportunities to Help Cameroon Succeed
and Thrive in the Post COVID-19 World - Prepared for
The CAPDA Conference in Yaounde & Libreville, Cameroon (Central Africa), July 23,
Presentation to the IGF
Cameroon Group: Leadership in Digital
Uncertainty: New Strategy to Cope with the New Normal - June 30, 2020
Blog Content for ISOC MANRS Secure Global Routing Course - A Proposal to Improve
MANRS Global Secure Internet Routing Policy ManagementUsing Blockchain
Technology - June 6, 2020
Presentation in PDF format for LeaderQuest & MISTI - Achieving Excellence, Success & Value Through
Best Practices in Cybersecurity Leadership & Management - May 21, 2020
Presentation on
Cybersecurity, CyberLaw, & CyberForensics for Chicagoland Detective Services,
Chicago, IL - October 8, 2019
A Brief
Introduction to Blockchain, Blockchain Security, & Blockchain Auditing - For
ASIS Northshore Chapter Meeting, August 15, 2019
2019 ISACA
NA CACS Conference - Workshop on Blockchain, Blockchain Security, and Blockchain
Auditing - Outline
2019 ISACA
NA CACS Conference - Workshop on Blockchain, Blockchain Security, and Blockchain
Auditing - Day 01 Presentation
ISACA NA CACS Conference - Workshop on Blockchain, Blockchain Security, and
Blockchain Auditing - Day 02 Presentation
What’s Holding Blockchain Back from Mass Adoption? Quick Introduction to
Blockchain Security & Blockchain Auditing - Presented to Blockchain Weekly -
February 27, 2019
Introduction to Blockchain for Executives, Managers, & Decision Maker -
January 16, 2019
Becoming a Pentester -- December 25, 2018 - An article written for Publication in Test
Magazine, London, U.K. January 2019 - Cybersecurity Edition (Visit
to see the actual printed version in Text Magazine.)
Quantum Computing Standards and Why We Need Them - November 25, 2018
Introduction of Blockchain and Blockchain Development - November 3, 2018
Roadmap to "Blockchain" Your IT Organization: How to Help your IT Staff Go from
Square One to Competence and Dominance in Blockchain Technologies - August 24,
Introduction to Setting Up Ethereum on
a Small Raspberry Pi Network - April 21, 2018 - PDF
Blockchain Presentation from Forensecure 2018 - April 13,
2018 - PDF
How to Be Anonymous Online - Prepared for the Zurich North America CISO Summit -
March 2018
A Brief Introduction to Phishing, Spear Phishing, Whaling
and Social Engineering for the Northshore ASIS Chapter(2017) in PDF
A Brief Introduction to Phishing, Spear Phishing, Whaling
and Social Engineering for the Northshore ASIS Chapter(2017) in Powerpoint
Slideshow format
Mirai Botnet: How
IoT Botnets Performed Massive DDoS Attacks and Negatively Impacted Hundreds of
Thousands of Internet Businesses and Users in October 2016 (2017)
Internet of Things (2017)
Vulnerability Management: A Practitioner's Perspective (2016)
A Brief Introduction to Phishing, Spear Phishing, Whaling and Social
Engineering (2016) in PDF format
Is Your Data Center Prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse? (2016) in Powerpoint
slideshow format
Is Your Data Center Prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse? (2016) in PDF format
Security Awareness Presentation (2012)
Security Awareness Posters (2011)
Angry IP Scanner - Product Analysis and User Guide (2007)
Zero-Day Threats,
Vulnerabilities, and Remediation
Trip Report from a two-day Seminar on the Seven Habits of
Highly Effective Managers (from October 2007)
Telework: Risks, Challenges, Perils, and
Successes_by_William_Slater - for ISACA 2015
Telework: Risks, Challenges, Perils, and
Presentation for Northshore Chapter of ASIS: The Edward Snowden NSA Data Breach of 2013:
How it happened, and its consequences and implications for the U.S. and the IT
Industry - August 13, 2014
Presentation: Bitcoin: A Current Look at the World’s Most
Popular, Enigmatic and Controversial Digital Cryptocurrency
Presentation: The Edward Snowden NSA Data Breach of 2013:
How it happened, and its consequences and implications for the U.S. and the IT
Suppose They Gave a Cyberwar and EVERYBODY Came?
What's in Presidential Policy Directive 20 (PPD 20)? How
It Will Probably Affect America and Americans and Why You Should Care
ebook by William F. Slater III
Writings and Presentations
on Cyberwar, Cyberwarfare, and Cyberdeterrence
Presentation: Emergency Preparedness - 2014
Hacking Humans: The
Story of a Successful Well-planned Social Engineering Attack - February 19, 2013
BackTrack Linux: The 21st Century Network Hacker’s Dream Toolkit - February 10,
Using ISO 27001 to Protect Your Organization in the Age of Cyberwarfare and Cyberattacks
-January 15, 2013 Cover Story at Hakin9 On Demand Magazine

William F. Slater III
Prepare your Organization for Cyberwarfare and Cyberattacks
Cover and Cover Story of Hakin9 On Demand Magazine
January 15, 2013
A Brief
Presentation on IT Governance and COBIT - January 27, 2013
( Kim Dotcom and Megaupload.com are back in 2013 )
(Latest Kim Dotcom News)
The Rise and Fall of
Megaupload.com and Kim Dotcom ( 2012 paper )
The Rise and Fall of Megaupload.com and Kim Dotcom ( 2012 presentation )
The Rise and Fall of
Megaupload.com and Kim Dotcom ( 2012 video )
William Slater interview with
Bellevue University - January 19, 2013
M.S. in Cybersecurity Coursework
A Short Presentation on IT Audit-related
Organizations and Certifications
Hackin9 Magazine Article: Integration of Cyberwarfare and
Cyberdeterrence Strategies into the U.S. CONOPS Plan - December 2012
Technical Paper: The Roles of
the Internal Audit Team in Cloud Computing
Technical Paper: Case for Integration of Cyberwarfare and
Cyberdeterrence Strategies into the U.S. CONOPS Plan - November 18, 2012
Technical Presentation Video: Case for Integration of Cyberwarfare and
Cyberdeterrence Strategies into the U.S. CONOPS Plan - November 18, 2012
Technical Presentation in PowerPoint: Case for Integration of Cyberwarfare and
Cyberdeterrence Strategies into the U.S. CONOPS Plan - November 18, 2012
Policy Generation Related to
Cyberwarfare and
Cyberdeterrence -
November 11, 2012
Analysis of Symposium Discussion on Cyber Deterrence -
November 4, 2012
Conflict Resolution in Cyberwarfare and Cyberdeterrence -
October 28, 2012
Business Continuity Planning and the Small Business -
October 28, 2012
A Brief Analysis of Russian Cyberwarfare Capabilities –
Past, Present, and Future - October 21, 2012
Hackin9 Magazine Article - Using Wireshark and Other Tools to Help Solve the
Cyberwarfare Problem of Attribution - October 17, 2012

Strategic Comparative Analysis in Cyberwarfare and
Cyberdeterrence - October 14, 2012
Discussion of
Cloud Computing and Disaster Recovery as a Service - October 7, 2012
After Action Report and Incident Response Analysis for a
Large Chicago-based Retailer's 2005 Botnet Malware Disaster - September 30, 2012
U.S. Policy Appraisal Related to Cyberwarfare and
Cyberdeterrence - September 30, 2012
The Pro’s and Con’s of Using Open Source Software to
Defend an Enterprise Infrastructure
- September 23, 2012
Discussion Questions and Answers about Cyberwarfare -
September 23, 2012
Threat Assessment in Cyberwarfare and Cyberdeterrence -
September 16, 2012
Business Continuity Planning and Recovery - An Evaluation
of Oreck Corporation’s Hurricane Katrina Experience and Response - September 2,
Recognizing and Mitigating the
Risks Associated with Teleworking Employees - July 22, 2012
Discussion Questions and Answers about the Stuxnet Worm -
December 20, 2011
Internet History and Growth - a 70-slide presentation
(updated October 27, 2011)
Can a Leadership Style Adversely Affect the State and
Quality of an Organization's Information Security?
Bellevue University Cybersecurity Program Blog
Course Blog for
CIS 537 - Introduction to CyberEthics
Course Blog for
CYBR 510 - Physical, Operantions, and Personnel Security
Course Blog for CIS
608 - Information Security Management
Course Blog for
CYBR 515 - Security Architecture and Design
Papers at University of Phoenix
William Slater's IPv4
William Slater's
Time Tracker Application for a Microsoft Data Center Manager
William's Time Tracker Program (four
Browser Popularity Analysis, 2004 -
A 2009 article
I wrote about Cloud Computing
A 2002 article
I wrote on the October 2002 Internet_Outage_and DDoS_on the 13 DNS Root
An article I wrote about
creating web-based database applications
Performance Tuning and
Benchmarking in a Distributed Computing Environment (July 1997)
Free Secrets of
Water's on the
Suppose They Gave a Cyberwar and Everybody Came? (on YouTube.com)
Suppose They Gave a Cyberwar and Everybody Came?
(PDF version)
What's in Presidential Policy Directive 20 (PPD 20)? How It Will Affect
America and Americans and Why You Should Care (on YouTube.com)
What's in Presidential Policy Directive 20 (PPD 20)? How It Will Affect
America and Americans and Why You Should Care (PDF version)
Technical Presentation Video: Case for Integration of Cyberwarfare and
Cyberdeterrence Strategies into the U.S. CONOPS Plan - November 18, 2012
(on YouTube.com)
Technical Presentation Video (Slides Only): Case for Integration of Cyberwarfare and
Cyberdeterrence Strategies into the U.S. CONOPS Plan - November 18, 2012
(on YouTube.com)
Technical Presentation in PowerPoint: Case for Integration of Cyberwarfare and
Cyberdeterrence Strategies into the U.S. CONOPS Plan - November 18, 2012
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Quotes in News
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This is
the link is James Temple’s article in the San Francisco Chronicle regarding
recent computer security threats and issues.
Internet is still vulnerable to cyber-criminals
James Temple, Chronicle Columnist, Saturday, January 21, 2012
I was one of his subject matter experts that he interviewed for the article. He
found me because of a 2002 article I wrote for the
Internet Society about DDoS attacks on the 13 DNS Root Servers in October 2002.
Eulogy for Dale Carr - January
22, 2002 - - Friend, Colleague, Former Boss
Eulogy for Jim
Snyder - January 11, 2003 - Internet Society Colleague and Dear Friend
Eulogy for Robert Trent -
February 9, 2012 - Friend, Colleague, Boss

Visitor Information
Copyright 1996 - 2022 by
William Favre Slater, III,
Chicago, IL, USA
Rights Reserved, Nationally and Internationally.
Last Updated:
Tuesday, November 21, 2023